Wednesday, November 10, 2010


At 7:30am this morning Yuhua and I headed to a breakfast at the High School where he was honored as student of the month.  His biology teacher/cross country coach had lots of nice things to say about him and his work ethic.  Apparently, all of the kids in Yuhua's biology class were given seeds to plant corn at the beginning of the semester.  Each student grew their corn in an individual pot and after 3 months all the corn has died except for one pot.   Yuhua’s corn is still thriving.  Mr. Downs said that last week someone uprooted Yuhua’s corn plant, and when Yuhua came to class he noticed this and carefully replanted the corn.  When Mr. Downs mentioned that the corn was starting to outgrow its pot, Yuhua came in the next day with a bigger pot and soil to transplant the corn.  I was grinning during this story because this is sooooo Yuhua.  I was also grinning because I remembered the morning that Yuhua took the bigger pot and soil to school, how he asked me if we had a big pot and soil he could take to school, how I wondered why on earth he needed to cart a big dirty pot and soil to school at the last minute, how I never asked him why, how he never told me, and how lucky I was to be sitting there finally understanding what was going on in his head. I was so proud of him.  I made a mental note to myself not to squash my children’s ambitions when I am impatient and clueless about what is going on in their heads.  Usually what is going on in there is great stuff.  It’s just really hard to tell sometimes. 

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