Sunday, December 12, 2010

All The Fun Stuff

Ice Cream at Serendipity

The Gallery Theater
Savannah, Brooklyn, and I enjoyed a “Girl’s Night Out” on Friday night just to make sure we celebrated Brooklyn’s birthday sufficiently.  We went out for pizza and ice cream and then to the local Gallery Theater to see Annie.  We’ve been singing “Tomorrow” all afternoon. 

Wild Wood Cafe

On Saturday, John and I went on a little date of our own after his basketball game.  We were both starving, and since he was positive I didn’t love him as much as the girls because he had to go to Chinese class during our “Girl’s Night Out”, I made it up to him with eggs, sausage, pancakes, toast, fried potatoes, part of my omelet, and OJ at the Wild Wood CafĂ©.  He was in heaven.

Winter Formal
Savannah and I learned how to tie a bow tie through an online tutorial just in time to tie one on Jackson before he met his date for Winter Formal on Saturday night.  I think he ended up looking pretty sharp and he had a great time.

Savannah was featured playing the piccolo during her band concert last Monday night.  She also played the flute in sacrament meeting today.  Incidentally, Yuhua spoke in sacrament meeting today and did a fantastic job.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Birthday James!

The kids and I spent your 45th birthday evening writing down 45 reasons we think you’re great.  Enjoy!
1. You are good at eating ice cream. – John
2. Your artwork has inspired some of my own. - Jackson
3. You make hamburgers for us. – John
4. You have a great singing voice. - Betsy
5. You are a good camper for daddy daughter campouts. - Savannah
6. You fix things around the house. - Yuhua
7. You make me laugh. - Brooklyn
8. You are good at earning money.  – John
9. You keep the food stocked up. – Yuhua
10. You are the super awesome fixit dad! – Savannah
11. You can make me laugh. - Jackson
12. You clean my car for me. - Betsy
13. You take me to the store with you. – Brooklyn
14. You take many great photos AND you date and organize them. - Betsy
15. You’re a macho man! -  Jackson
16. When you say you are going to do something, you remember and do it. – Yuhua
17. You are our cats’ favorite person. – Savannah
18. You are good at tickle fights. – Brooklyn
19. You keep our family safe. – Yuhua
20. You are good at mowing. – John
21. When you come home to visit you take time to replace burned out light bulbs and fix things around the house. - Betsy
22. I enjoy our discussions about history and politics.  They have been a motivation for me to stay well informed. – Jackson
23. You are a great photographer. – Brooklyn
24. You are prepared. – Yuhua
25. You know just what to say when I’m mad or sad. – Savannah
26. You frequently ask me where my purse and keys are and plug in my cell phone for me. – Betsy
27. You are good at hotdogs. - John
28. You are always up for a new idea. – Savannah
29. I like having good talks with you. – Jackson
30. You are good at computer stuff. – Brooklyn
31. You are intelligent. – Yuhua
32. You take the time to write thank you notes to people. – Betsy
33. You have great musical interests. – Savannah
34. You make the best lunch. – John
35. You give me good advice about girls, being a man, and stuff like that. – Jackson
36. You are good at imitations. – Brooklyn
37. You teach me how to work things like our DVR. – Savannah
38. You are always on time. Yuhua
39. You tell corny jokes and make us laugh. – Betsy
40. I love hearing your stories. – Jackson
41. If you were a medieval knight, you’d be the hero of the fairytale. -  Savannah
42. You notice special requests the kids make and then remember and wrap up these items as birthday and Christmas gifts.  I love that some of these items have been deemed appropriate for certain birthdays and that the kids look forward to receiving these gifts at the appropriate age. – Betsy
43. You are the kind of dad that I am proud to introduce my friends to. - Jackson
44. You want to fix things when you make mistakes. - Yuhua
45. You help me. – John

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!

Today Brooklyn turned 12.  She graduated from Primary and was welcomed into Young Womens.  She attended tithing settlement with the family and told the Bishop that she paid her tithing this year.  She waited patiently downstairs while Savannah and I decorated for her birthday and made her requested birthday dinner-- crepes with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, whip cream, and syrup (no low blood sugar around here tonight).  She snuggled on the couch with me wrapped in the zebra blanket with arms (Snuggie) she received for her birthday and watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.   She blew out 12 candles on her favorite kind of cake, angel food cake with strawberries (aka angel fruit cake).  She talked to her dad on the phone, told him all about her birthday, and thanked him for the Leatherman (a gift she has been waiting to be deemed old enough for) that he wrapped up when he was home last and left on a shelf in his closet for her to open on her birthday.  When she was ready for bed, she asked me to tuck her in like she has every night, that I am home, since I can remember. 

  12th Birthday

  Brooklyn and Savannah went to Young Women's together for the first time today

The birthday decor

Crepes for dinner

Wearing her zebra snuggie and holding up the Leatherman from dad

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!
For your 12th B-day, here are 12 things we love about you:

1. Your funny sense of humor and big smile
2. Your creativity, art, and illustrations
3. The stories you write – we think you could be an author someday
4. Your desire to do your best in school - You are one smart girl
5. Your love of fruit of all kinds – I think I didn’t feed you enough veggie baby foods
6. That you are really good at accents and got into the first school play you auditioned for because of your great British accent
7. Your baking skills and the way you save an extra portion of special desserts to pack in your lunch the next day -- You have already packed a piece of angel food cake away for tomorrow
8. Your thoughtfulness and the joy you find in picking out gifts for members of your family
9. Your love of books and that almost every morning I find you reading on the couch after you wake up
10. The way you love the cats and they love you and think you are their mom
11. Your talent for good hair dos 
12. Your desire to choose the right