Thursday, October 21, 2010


I’m experiencing a side effect of blogging.  It’s called backlog – too many good things to remember.  Here are just a few things that we’ve been up to…

  • Lots of soccer ~ This was the only rainy soccer day we’ve had all fall.  We love rainy soccer games and especially the hot chocolate afterwards.

  • Lots of running ~ Yuhua finished 2nd in his race yesterday only after being overtaken by a runner at the last second.  It was exciting, and I was yelling so loud I missed the photo opp.  This photo was taken a week ago.

  • A scout campout ~ This campout took place on the same weekend as the rainy soccer game.  I was told by Yuhua’s scout leader that Yuhua was out digging a trench around his tent at 4am just in case a moat was needed : )

  • Making fall skirts with Savannah and Brooklyn ~ We won’t show you a picture of the bags under our eyes after staying up late to finish these.  

  • Enjoying exceptionally beautiful weather ~ This day was heaven.  I wish this picture captured the warm sun and the symphony of geese on their way south, windchimes, and rustling leaves. (The view from our deck that I'm going to miss so much)

  • Filling out applications for college and senior pictures ~  Yikes!  Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This is exactly why I have got to keep journaling the moments I want to remember. 

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