Since Halloween is on Sunday this year, we’ve begun our festivities early. Last night was our ward Halloween party. We missed the first part of the party because Yuhua and John had Chinese class, but we made it in time for the most important part – trick or treating through the hallways. Everyone came home with a lot of loot and a sugar high. I encouraged the kids to hide the candy from me. John had asked me before the party why I had been eating the Halloween candy we were supposed to be giving away. Well, I said, “Because I paid for it?” Not a good excuse, I know, but I was just going to eat one miniature Whopper package, and that led to a few more, and then to a minature Hershey bar, and eventually the Kit Kats. It was a slippery slope. I obviously bought the Halloween candy too early this year. The good thing is that I’m now sick of it and hope it disappears as quickly as possible.
Our Halloween box has already moved to Idaho, but the kids managed to come up with some fun costumes. Yuhua opted not to wear the disco wig that I was sure would be a big hit. Instead he went as himself and still came home with a pile of candy.
Hillbilly and Cowgirl
Football Player
Starfleet Officer
A small sampling of the loot.
Thanks Betsy! You're awesome ~