Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Tradition

One of our favorite family traditions is carving pumpkins together.   Each of our kids designs and carves their own pumpkin and James and I each help in the carving and goop departments, respectively. This tradition always endures despite life’s craziness because James and I are both on board with this one.  James came home this weekend just in time for our pumpkin festivities. 
For the past several years we have grown our own pumpkins making this tradition even more fun, but this year we thought we’d be living in Idaho by Halloween and didn’t plant any pumpkin seeds.  Lesson # 159 learned from our garden  --  Continue to plant seeds even if you do not plan to be around for the harvest.   Besides some late tomatoes, we are sadly missing our usual fall harvest.   Lucky for us, for a lot of moola, we can buy pumpkins that someone else grew.   So we did, and here are the results:

Yuhua's pumpkin is a replica of R2-D2 and resulted in pumpkin flying everywhere.  The kitchen still hasn't fully recovered.

Brooklyn stirring (not pumpkin) tomato soup from our garden. This soup also created a huge mess that welcomed James home for the weekend.


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