Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to School

This is the first year in my career as a mother that I have not been ready for the kids to go back to school. I don’t know if it is because the summer weather got off to a late start here in Oregon, or if it is because my house is unusually clean since it’s up for sale, or if it is because our original plan was to be somewhere else at the beginning of the school year, or if it is because my oldest is a senior in high school and getting closer and closer to leaving the nest. I think it is a combination of these things, but mostly I think it is the part about “leaving the nest”. I don’t know where the time has gone, but I want to freeze it right here. (Except for when that senior in high school gets annoyed with my mothering. Then, I want to rewind time.) But like it or not, school started this week and here are the pictures to prove it.
John - 3rd grade
Brooklyn - 6th grade
Savannah - 8th grade
Yuhua - 9th grade
Jackson - 12th grade
Seniors started school a day later than everyone else and so Jackson missed first day photos, but this is about how seriously he took the first day of school. (taken tonight)

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